About JAVA ..
- Java is a case sensitive language.
- Java is nearly 100% object oriented language.
- In JAVA, it is not possible to make a function which is not a member of any class.
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- Java was developed by james Gosling at Sun Microsystem, inc.
- Java originated at Sun Microsystems, 1991.
- Vinod Khosla was the Co-founder of Sun Microsystems.
- Java resides in obiles, client machines, server machines, embedded devices, smart phones, cloud etc.
- It shares the same basic features of the language and libraries.
- Principal of JAVA : Write Once, Run Anywhere(WORA).
What is Library
- Java library is as collection of predefined classes.
- You can use these classes either by inheriting them or by instanting them.
JAVA Flavours (Types)
- JAVA SE ( core java)
- JAVA EE ( Advanced java)
- JAVA ME (Micro edition for mobiles)
- Simple.
- Object Oriented Language.
- Distributed.
- Interpreted.
- Robust.
- Secure.
- Portable.
- Multi-threaded.
- Garbage Collector.
Data Tpyes..
- A type identifies a set of value(and their representation in memory) and a set of operations that perform these values into other values of that set.
- JAVA is stronglt typed language.
These are the Data Types of java programming.
In this each data type has own meaning such as
- boolean Its just check statement is true or false.
- char Its use for single characters ( 'A').
- short Its use to store for real numbers in only 2 btye. ( 1 byte = 8 bits)
- int Its also use for store to real number in 4 bytes.
- long Its also use for store to real number in 8 bytes.
- float Its use to store decimal (floating number such as 4.8, 3.5) values in 4 bytes.
- double Its used for store both real and decimal number in 8 bytes.
- int x;
- double temp;
- string name;
- int [] ages;
- char letters[];
- integer constants consists of a sequence of digits.
- If the constants is to represent a long integer value, it must be suffixed with an uppercase L or lowercase l.
- If there is no suffix the constant represent 32 3bit integer (an int).
- Integer constants can be specified in the decimal , hexadecimal, octal, or binary format.
127 ( deciaml number )
0x7f ( hexadecimal ) there is 0x is just a sign to show hexadeciaml number and f = 15
0122 ( octal ) there is 0 is just to show octal number
0b01010110 ( binary ) there is 0b is just to show that it is in binary. and binary number is always written in 0 and 1 .
- Every expression written in the java programming language has a type that can b decuded from the structre of the expression and the types of the literals, variables, and methods mentioned in the expression.
Permitted Conversions
- byte to short, int, long, float or double.
- short to int, long , float or double.
- char to int, long float or double.
- int to long, float or double.
- long to float or double.
- float to double.
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