Key difference betweeen java and javascript.
- JAVA is an OOP programming languagae while JAVASCRIPT is a OOP scripting language. JAVA creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser. while JAVASCRIPT code is run on a browser only. JAVA code needs to be compiled while JAVASCRIPT code are all in text.
- JAVA is a statically types language while JAVASCRIPT is a weakly typed language.
- Both the languages are interpreted languages ( unlike c, which is compiled to machine code as per the machine on which they run).
- JAVASCRIPTS supports prototype based objects system, while JAVA is normally typed object system.
- Java has a well developed "package " system, while javascript package are not predefined. this has impact on sharing and reusing code.
- Both the languages support the fundamental requirements of Object Oriented Programming like Encapsulation, Inheritence, Abstraction and Polymorphism. But one being a "statically" typed and the other "dynamic" the style and rigor of achieving these are different.
- Both the language support certain aspects of functional programming the recursion, high order function, first class functions .
- Java has a bigger set of basic data structure (different kinds of maps, lists, Sets ) in built into the language compared to javascript. This might have an impact if we want to implement certain algorithm or optimizations.
- Both the languages are virtual machine based, Unlike C or C++ , in which we submit the program directly to the underlying OS to run, in Javascript and java , we submit the program to the virtual machine to run. the virtual machine is responsible for managing the memory of the program, performing inline optimizations, security of the running programs etc.
To know More About These two Languages...
( About Javascript )
( About JAVA )
( About Javascript )
( About JAVA )
Some Major Differences..
Compiled vs. Interpreted
Java is considered a compiled programming language. javascript is considered as interreted scripting language. The difference is in the implementation. Java is compiled into byte code and run on a virtual machine. whereas javascript can be interpreted directly by a browser in the syntax it is written.
Static vs Dynamic Type Checkin
Class Based vs Prototype Based.
Java is considered a compiled programming language. javascript is considered as interreted scripting language. The difference is in the implementation. Java is compiled into byte code and run on a virtual machine. whereas javascript can be interpreted directly by a browser in the syntax it is written.
Static vs Dynamic Type Checkin
Java uses static type checking where the type of a variable is checked at compile time. The programmer must specify the type ( integer, string, double etc) of any variable they create . Javascript, like most scripting language, use dynamic type, where type satisfy isverified at run time. It is not required for a programmer to specify the type of any variable they create. There are many pros and cons for these two paradigms, but the primary advantage of static type checking is that type errors are caught in early development and compiler knows exactly what data type are being used, code typically execute faster or uses less memory. The primary advantage of dynamic type checking isprogrammer productivity you are free to assign types at your leisure.
Java follows class based inheritence a top down, hierarichal, class based relationship whereby properties are defined in a class and inherited by an instance of that class. In Javascript, inheritence is prototypal -all objects can inherits directly from other objects. Hierarchy is accomplished in Javascript by assigning an object as a prototype with a constructor function.
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